On Tour – Mark Trueack and UPF

On Tour

Concerts & Tours

Heerleen 11_n


2016 Connect Tour (dates announced soon)

2014 Promotional Tour

1. Saturday 27th September 2014 – Summer’s End (Chepstow, UK) 

Official launch date for “Fall in Love with the World”, the first UPF release, containing over 60 minutes of music that will take the listener on a journey of self-belief. 

SE-X-web-mastheadMark & Matt 'live' (and Dan in the mist again!)


2. Thursday 2nd October 2014 – The Barge Antipode (Paris, France)

Rejoignez United Progressive Fraternité dans un voyage musical de l’amour, la confiance et l’espoir, en jouant des chansons de leur nouveau premier album “Tomber en amour avec le monde” et d’autres grands favoris



3. Friday 3rd October 2014 – Poppodium NIEUWE NOR (Heerlen, The Netherlands)

Join UPF on a musical journey of love,hope and self-belief, playing songs from their new debut album “Fall in Love with the World” and other favorites. 

Concert Nieuwenor Heerleen Band 3

4. Saturday October 4th 2014 – CHEZ Paulette (Nancy, France)

Bonjour, les amateurs de belle musique, S’il vous plaît venez nous rejoindre et découvrir le son de United Progressive Fraternité, jouer des chansons à partir de là nouvel album “Tomber en amour avec le monde” sauvegardé avec quelques favoris du passé. Vous y voir



5. Sunday October 5th 2014 – T Blok (Nieuwekerk aan de IJsel, The Netherlands)

Join UPF on a musical journey of love,hope and self-belief, playing songs from their new debut album “Fall in Love with the World” and other favorites. 

DSCF2851 Presents UPF-logo2

6. Tuesday October 7th 2014 – Blues Cafe Nieuwstraat 74a (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands)

Join UPF as they present music in a semi acoustic mode, capturing moments from their debut album “Fall in Love with the World” and playing somir favorite se of theongs from yesteryear  

Blues Cafe Blues Cafe