To produce great music, as a collective concept,
whilst conveying a message of peace, hope and global awareness”


The Music:  To produce creative, inspiring and thought provoking, original music, tapping into musical influences from all parts of the world.

The Concept: To foster collaboration and shared ideas with other Musicians, Artists and Writers, and to encourage participation and association with the core band.

The Message:  To promote environmental and social awareness, directly relating to the state of Planet Earth and the human condition. The message is one of hope, highlighting that we can make a difference through the power of music.

The UPF Support Network: The Support Network includes Representatives, Promoters, Producers, Musicians, Writers and Artists.

The group of Representatives has been brought together to help promote the band and its values across all parts of the globe.

These Representatives will seek to find suitable sponsors who align themselves with the band’s core values, who may be prepared to provide sponsorship money to the band on the proviso that a percentage of funds are donated to an appropriate charity.

These Representatives are based in several countries in Europe, USA, Canada, Singapore, and of course Australia.

Together with the Representatives and the Collective of creative Artists and Promoters, our Fraternity can help bring about a much needed change in our troubled world.

 Next Steps – We intend to:

  • Mobilise the Representatives to start work on finding sponsors. To this end we will create a Press pack for the ‘Reps’ to use to send to the sponsors
  • Commence work on the second album with a working title of “Planetary Overload”
  • Recruit interested Musicians, Producers and Song-writers to work on the album

The Future Longer term plans are to:

  • Map out venues for the 2017 World Tour
  • Secure venues with the help of our Representatives and Promoters for the tour
  • Have the second album complete prior to the 2016 tour
  • Further work with collaborative musicians:
    • The ‘Hope Project’ (conceived by Mark) with producer Steve Layton and with lyrical ideas by Mark,
      Note: some of the lyric ideas may be used on “Planetary Overload”
    • The “Decameron 3“ with Steve Unruh and Marco Bernard. This will be recorded in 2015.

