Choose a great thinker, a dazzling artist, a brave activist. Spend an hour together, imagining a better future. Then choose another. And another. And another. 100 great interviews and counting.
Silver Donald Cameron
UPF Support
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The Green Interview is a series of in-depth conversations with the thinkers, artists and activists whose ideas and work are leading the way to a new era of sustainability.
Its host and executive producer is Silver Donald Cameron, one of Canada’s most versatile and experienced professional authors; filming and production by Chris Beckett; research and transcription by Linda Pannozzo.
Silver Donald Cameron
Silver Donald was the founding Chairman of Telile, the community television station in Isle Madame, Nova Scotia, where he lived for more than 30 years and was also a founding director of Development Isle Madame. He has served on many other volunteer boards, including several terms on the executive of the Writers Union of Canada. A distinguished educator, Dr. Cameron taught at several universities and was the first Dean of the School of Community Studies at Cape Breton University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of London, as well as honorary doctorates from the University of Kings College and Cape Breton University. In 2012 he was appointed to both the Order of Canada and the Order of Nova Scotia.
“I have recently been appointed the first Farley Mowat Chair in Environment at Cape Breton University. It’s a direct result of my environmental work, particularly The Green Interview, and it’s part of an evolving relationship between TGI and CBU that now includes a highly innovative online/on-campus course on environmental rights.”
UPF Support
Silver Donald Cameron is one of the main supporters of United Progressive Fraternity, having provided permission to use audio quotes from Dame Jane Goodall, David Suzuki, Alanna Mitchell, James Lovelock and Satish Kumar from TheGreenInterview series in the album ‘Planetary Overload Part 1: Loss’.
UPF would like to express their extreme gratitude to Dr. Cameron for his strong support and contributions to the music project.
Air, water, food — these are the sources of life. Without them, we die. And in most nations – more than 180 nations, in fact – citizens are legally entitled to these essential elements of life.
But not in Canada or the United States. And that’s what the Green Rights multi-media project is all about: the human right to a healthy environment, and Mother Nature’s right to be respected and protected. The citizenship of North Americans is hobbled because we don’t have these green rights. Canadians and Americans literally don’t know what they’re missing.
So we’re telling the dramatic stories of how citizens use those rights in other countries – and are fighting for them here. Green rights are among humanity’s most powerful tools for protecting and repairing the natural world. Learn more…
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To access all 97 feature-length interviews – and the companion documentary film – consider joining with a membership.
Research, travel, recording and editing video is expensive, and we want you to consider supporting those costs by subscribing to our monthly service. Users provide our only source of income — we don’t accept ads, for instance — and even during your free trial period, you can cancel at any time, at no cost. But if you think we’re doing something valuable, please consider joining our family of subscribers.
Silver Donald Cameron – s[email protected]