exploring our amazing planet, one stick figure at a time
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We’re a group of scientists, writers, and illustrators with a passion for sharing our curiosity (and where it leads!) with the world. We’re also people – visit our About page to meet the MinuteEarth team.
How did MinuteEarth start?
In 2013, we decided to expand the world of online stick-figure science explanations, which Henry had stumbled onto with MinutePhysics, to tell more down-to-Earth stories. We’re amazed and humbled that MinuteEarth has grown, with the support of our viewers, into what it is today.
Are you related to MinutePhysics?
Yes! Both genetically (Henry and his brother Alex and father Peter are all on the MinuteEarth team), and in spirit (MinuteEarth came into existence, in part, to explore some of the more Earth-related topics that MinutePhysics doesn’t).
Where do the ideas for your videos come from?
Everywhere! Hiking, biking, sitting in traffic, talking with family and friends and pets and each other…our ideas usually start with questions we have about the world, which make us curious, which makes us start reading, which often brings up new questions and makes us more curious, and so on. The real trick, in fact, isn’t coming up with an idea, it’s figuring out how to tell the most interesting, informative, and fun story based on that idea.
UPF Support
Minute Earth is providing UPF with a Terms of Use Contract to use selected excerpts from their YouTube Channel Videos.
1. Climate Change: The View From MinuteEarth
2. Ocean Confetti!
Is our planet screwed?
Hopefully not! Humans have done a lot of damage to Earth’s natural systems, and it can be hard to stop that type of damage once it’s got some momentum (think climate change, soil erosion, and invasive species). But if we can change those trajectories – whether through large, concerted actions like reducing our carbon dioxide emissions, or through individual choices like planting native species in our yards – we can keep that damage to a minimum, and even reverse it. Being informed is the best way to start making a difference, so we’re glad you’re here!
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We help our nonprofit and university sponsors reach a large, engaged, and scientifically-minded audience. In addition to crafting traditional sponsorship messages, we often work with experts from these organizations to tell the stories in the videos themselves. Past partners include the University of Minnesota, Bill and Melinda Gates, GiveWell, and the Heising-Simons Foundation.
David Goldenberg, Melissa Hayes